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Hi, my name is Nadia.

Welcome to my space. Here I'm allowing myself to whisper and ramble and scream out loud. If you're here to listen, welcome.

"I’m trying to keep a broad focus at this point in my life, which often actually requires that I narrow in on myself. "

A Bored Documentation

Writing because I’m bored and because I’ve stayed away from this site for maybe a bit too long. There’ve been a few things come up over the past few weeks that I’ve chosen to internalize, rather than express, but I’m thinking it may be time to do that now – if for no other reason that document that I’ve acknowledged them:

  1. I’m so damn good at caring far too much about what others think about me. It’s like wherever I go I can feel judgmental eyes following. Debatable whether that stems from deep-seated insecurity or a far-too-common variety of narcissism.
  2. It’s amazing communing with the people who have known you longest. It’s as if you can express yourself more freely and honestly without having to say as much because everyone you’re speaking with already knows anything that would possibly need to be said.

I’m trying to keep a broad focus at this point in my life, which often actually requires that I narrow in on myself. That’s all outrageously vague but I’m not sure how to express any of what I’ve said here in more specific terms right now, maybe next time.

"That's the thing about accidental deaths, there's no adjustment period, just life being lived in one second and life completely vanishing in the next."

"...For this edifying journey I’m trying to embark on, I think everything must begin with a personal culture change."