What's That?
I'm proud of myself, I really am. That rarely happens, too. I've always done a good job of hyping myself up when necessary, but most often I just recognize my accomplishments as occurrences that were meant to happen anyways. I think I've always lived that way in the spirit of "expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised if the best pans out." But today, THIS oddly warm January day, I'm objectively proud to be Nadia Muhammad. I feel like I'm getting somewhere, like telling two extra people in my life yesterday that I've been writing here really got me somewhere.
With the tremendous help and patience of my friend Michelle, I designed this space. With the encouragement from my boyfriend, I decided to tell people about it. And with the lauded surprise of my friends and family, I'm going to continue to write here and put myself on display along with everything that I love to do. Getting this done and letting people in on the joy that writing brings me has me soaring at Goliath heights. It feels so natural to occupy this part of my life.
Is it even necessary to let this high beg the question of when and where the next low will sprout up from? It's possible that in a few days time when real homework assignments come rolling in, that I become bogged down in the usual stresses of collegiate life. I'll be occupying space much closer to the harsh reality of terra firma. That's a space I've been in for far too long and I'm really, quite truly and honestly, not trying to go back. I could live off of this momentum forever. It feels like, for the first time in awhile, I've played into my own strengths and in doing so, have understood that my keys to success, my door hinges, lie in doing exactly what I'm damn good at and exactly what I love doing. No one can beat me at being me! It's a scientifically proven, definitive fact. There's never been anything truer.